Our Products

Scientific and pedagogical background

BonoLingo’s products are deeply rooted in the pedagogical theories of a number of famous psychologists and linguists, such as Lev Vygotsky, Stephen Krashen, Merrill Swain and many others.

The basic idea behind BonoLingo’s learning products is that they encourage learning in a social setting, in smaller groups and with peers. BonoLingo’s learning products enable the pupils, students and other learners to be both teachers and learners at the same time. By doing so, BonoLingo’s learning products lowers the threshold for active participation while also heightening the participants’ sense of accomplishment and motivation for learning.

By turning pupils and students into also being each other’s teachers, BonoLingo’s learning products enables group learning without necessary guidance from a («real») teacher, meaning that the teacher is enabled to increase his/her focus on other tasks, pupils or students.

This is what our different products do:


BonoLingo is a fun and social card game that gets you talking in a language you don’t yet know. You’ll have to say it to play it. Or scan it to learn it – and maybe win it next round! 

BonoLingo is for building a vocabulary; receptive vocabulary at first and then productive vocabulary. Once players establish a vocabulary for the theme played in BonoLingo, they should move on to BONO with the same theme(s) to set the vocabulary into use and establish it in their productive vocabulary.

BonoLingo (and BONO) is good for increasing the vocabulary in both first and second language learners.


BONO is a fun and social card game and gets you talking in a new language. You’ll have to say it to play it. Or scan it to learn it – and then hopefully be able to play it next round! 

BONO is available in packs for several different themes – and each word/term is illustrated and with sound for learning how it is pronounced.

BONO (and BonoLingo) is good for increasing the vocabulary in both first and second language learners.


koopl is a fun and social card game that adds to your knowledge by making you connect knowledge. You’ll have to say it to play it. Or scan it to learn it – and maybe win it next round!

koopl is available in packs for several different themes – and each word/term is illustrated so it would be easily recognised «in the real world», such as on a field trip. Learn and improve your knowledge in maths, science, geography, history, culture and nature (and many more) by playing koopl!


Wherever you go, bring a vocabulary! Travelingo is the culturally aware and interested traveller’s card game.

A basic vocabulary is not only useful for you, but it also shows respect for the locals and their culture. Each Travelingo game gives you and your playing/travelling companion ca. 50 common and useful words, terms or phrases relating to different themes, such as Eating and drinking, Getting around, and Useful phrases.

Travelingo is the perfect game to bring on your trip!

Discover the word and see the world with Travelingo!


YouKnow is a knowledge game for competing and repeating knowledge to establish it properly in the players’ mind, in what the Nobel Price winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman refers to as «system 1».

YouKnow is available for all kinds of themes, from maths, science and geography to history, culture and nature – and almost every imaginable theme involving concrete knowledge.